The Seltzer Factory: Proyección de Documental y Taller de Escritura con la Cineasta Paloma Valenzuela
Join for this two-part writing workshop with Jamaica Plain filmmaker Paloma Valenzuela exploring the elements that make us feel belonging.
In the first session, we will screen her latest documentary film The Seltzer Factory, which explores her family’s story and her identity as a bi-racial Dominican-American Jewish-American.
Following the screening Paloma will lead participants in a monologue writing workshop exploring themes of immigration, belonging, identity, and finding connections with ourselves, our ancestors, and their stories.
For the second session, we will workshop our monologues through table reads and edits and share them together in community.
This workshop is a bilingual offering in Spanish and English; you may participate in whatever language you feel most comfortable.
To register, please email Nic at